A little history, I understand that the repeater first came on air in early 1980. The logic for it was designed at Warwick University and uses a Motorola 6800 microprocessor.
The cavities are based on a design by G8AMG.
The original radio used was an IC240, much modified. This radio was getting problematic and could not easily be converted to 12.5kHz working, so a set of AWA SR210 Rural Radio Telephone equipment was re-tuned to 145.175/145.775MHz and a copy of the logic added, this is still in service today.
- Frequency - 2m band on channel:- RV62 (145.7750 145.1750 MHz)
- Transceiver -
- Access - via 1750Hz tone burst, CTCSS has not been implemented to date. To access the repeater a short (0.5 second) tone burst followed, without a break by about 5 seconds of correctly modulated audio. The main problems people have accessing the repeater is if their modulation is too high or if there is a break in transmission in this original 5 second access period. Once the repeater is ‘open’ then a tone burst is not needed for subsequent overs.
- Power -
- Antenna -
- NGR -
- Locator -
- Antenna Height -
- Coverage Map
The radios used on this repeater are Pye R412 & T412, with a copy of the Warwick University logic. A set of Tait T855 & T856 equipments are being worked on to replace the ageing Pye units.
- Frequency - 70cms band on channel:- RB10 (433.250 434.850 MHz)
- Transceiver -
- Access - via 1750Hz tone burst, CTCSS has not been implemented to date. To access the repeater a short (0.5 second) tone burst followed, without a break by about 5 seconds of correctly modulated audio. Once the repeater is ‘open’ then a tone burst is not needed for subsequent overs.
- Power -
- Antenna -
- NGR -
- Locator -
- Antenna Height -
- Coverage Map